- /* sdbl.h by K.Tsuru */
- // file ID = 30 DRADIX
- #ifndef S_DOUBLE_H
- #define S_DOUBLE_H
- /***************************************************************************
- SDouble class
- Multi precision real number class in radix DRADIX = 10000
- The inner expression.
- <<floating point mode(standard form)>>
- [+|-]f[0].f[1]...f[ef]...f[s-1]*DRADIX^rdxExp (f[0]=0, f[1]>0)
- ef is effective figures. Last h figures are assigned to the hidden precision.
- Exponent "rdxExp" has value between INT_MIN (-2147483647 - 1) and INT_MAX 2147483647 on GCC.
- <<fixed point mode>>
- [+|-]f[0].f[1]...f[ef]...f[s-1]*DRADIX^fixedExp (f[0]=f[1]=...=f[aHead-1]=0)
- ****************************************************************************/
- SDouble SFToSD(const SFraction& x);//SFraction-->SDouble 300
- /*------------------------------------------------------------
- Radix conversion double x to array res[] in BRADIX.
- ------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int doubleToBinDec(double x, FigBlock& res, uint *size);
- class SDouble : public SNumber, public virtual SCalcInfo {
- friend class SDecimal; // To enable Reform accessible.
- friend class SLong; // 'figure' accessible in SL::SetSDouble()
- // Fixed value of exponent in the fixed point mode.
- static int fixedExp;
- // If lower seven bits of fixedPointMode is non-zero, it is fiexed point mode.
- // fixedPointMode = depth of nest
- static int fixedPointMode;
- // automatic radix conversion BIN_DEC to REAL cannot use.
- SDouble& operator=(const SDecimal& sd); // has no body
- enum { FIXED_PT_MASK = 0x7f };
- int rdxExp; // exponential value in radix = DRADIX
- protected:
- void CopyDouble(const SDouble& r, int cs); // 301
- // Functions which set several kinds of value
- // By string in type "[+|-]ddd.ddd...[e[+|-]dd]"
- void SetString(const char* s); // 302
- // Substitution double includes integer type variables, long etc.
- // If type == BIN_DEC and cyclic decimal, syntax error will occur.
- void SetDouble(double d); // 303
- public:
- void SetLongDouble(long double d);
- protected:
- void SetSLong(const SLong& sl); // 304 SLong
- // Return an ASCI code of (n+1)-th digit. Uses in function Put().
- int CharNthDec(long n) const; // 306
- // Make a zero with type = tp.
- // Uses in return statement in SDouble.
- friend SDouble SDZero(const SDouble& d); // 307
- // Dec 25, 2000 Move into protected part.
- // Temporary maximum size changed by SetEffFig() function.
- // Need for the functions using Newton method.
- uint CurrentMaxSize() const {
- return SNEffFig( Type() ) + Hidden() + 1u;
- }
- public:
- // May 16, 2001 Move into public part from protected one.
- // Make a SLong value r = (f[h],...f[t]).
- void ConvertToSLong(uint t, uint h, SLong& r) const; // 305
- /************************************************************************
- Additional values for pushCD.
- SD_PUSH bit is one, when a SDouble object change the value cutDownTable[].
- pushCD = 0...4 are registered in SNumber class, then greater than 4.
- **************************************************************************/
- enum { CH_FE = 8, SD_PUSH = 16, TEMP_FREE = 32, REDUCE_MAX_SIZE_DISABLE = 64 };
- // set zero(sign = ZERO, all the elements of figure[] are seted by zero)
- void SetZero(); // inline function
- /*******************
- Set a short value.
- ********************/
- void SetInt(int v); // 308
- // rdexp is exponential value in SDouble class
- // In SDecimal class rdxExp always set zero for any value of rdxexp.
- void SetSmall(signed char v, int rdexp = 1);
- // Effective figures. In BRADIX return a value diffrent from SNManager::EffFigures().
- uint EffFig() const { return SNEffFig( Type() ); }
- uint Size() const {
- return min(SNEffFig( Type() ) + Hidden() + 1u, figure.size());
- }
- uint MinSize() const {
- return (Type() == REAL) ? minArraySize : SNMaxSize(BIN_DEC);
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- return the exponetial part
- [Notice] raw value in fiexed point mode.
- The value in the "standard" form i.e. [+|-]f[0].f[1]... * R^e (f[1] >0)
- can be obtained by NetRdxExp().
- ***********************************************************************/
- int RdxExp() const { return rdxExp; }
- int NetRdxExp() const {
- return Sign(30) ? rdxExp - (int)aTail +1 : 0;
- }
- /******************************************
- Set an exponential value in radix = DRADIX
- When e = 0, you get the mantissa part.
- *******************************************/
- void SetRdxExp(long e) {
- if( (Type() == BIN_DEC) && e ) SetError(SYNTAX_ERR,"SD", 31);
- if(labs(e) > DRADIX_EXP_MAX ) SetError(TOO_LARGE_EXP,"SD", 31);
- rdxExp = (int)e;
- }
- /*********************************************************
- Return the sign
- In the fixed point mode if non-zero elements are out of
- maxmum size(CurrentmaxSize()), return zero.
- **********************************************************/
- int Sign(int id) const; // inline function.
- int Sign() const { return Sign(32); }
- /******************************************************
- Return raw sign of SNumber class.
- If sign == UNDECIDED, the program abnormally terminate.
- *******************************************************/
- int SNSign() const { SignCheck(33); return (int)RawSign(); }
- /***************************************************************
- Return the decimal exponent in standard form.
- t
- 0.|0000|0000|0aaa|bbbb|...|zzzz| * DRADIX^e
- --> 0.0aaabbbb...zzzz * 10000^(e-t+1)
- --> 0.aaabbbb...zzzz * 10^p p = 4*(e-t+1) -4 +3
- ****************************************************************/
- long DExp() const {
- if(Sign(34) == 0) return 0;
- return (long)DFIGURES*(NetRdxExp() - 1L) + iFigures(figure(aTail));
- }
- //Return decimal figures
- long DFigures() const; // 309
- //Composed by hidden figures only or not.It is available in fixed point mode only.
- bool IsHidden() const; // inline function defined bellow
- //*this is much less than "a" ?
- bool IsMLT(const SDouble& a) const; // 310
- //Return the position of first non-zero element.
- //In the standard form aTail = 1 or 0(if sign==0).
- //In fixed point mode it is maybe greater than one.
- uint First() const { return aTail < CurrentMaxSize() ? aTail : 0; }
- private:
- uint GetLastPosition() const; // 311
- public:
- //Return the position of last non-zero element.
- //Last() < CurrentMaxSize()
- uint Last() const {
- if(aHead < CurrentMaxSize()) return aHead;
- return GetLastPosition(); //0.abcd 0000 ..... 0000 1234, return 1
- }
- // Head() and Tail() return raw value of SNumber class.
- // Please use First()/Last() if possible. ver. 2.17
- uint Head() const { return aHead; }
- uint Tail() const { return aTail; }
- public:
- /**************** For making mathematical functions ************************/
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Take into the fixed point mode setting the fixed exponent value by "fe".
- Use in the calculation of series summantion.
- In principle do not call mathmatical functions in the fixed point mode.
- The general term of the floating and fixed point modes is named as the
- "operation mode".
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void FixedPoint(int fe); // 312 DRADIX
- /*--------------------
- Cancel fixed point mode.
- ---------------------*/
- //Use with FixedPoint().
- void PointFree(); // 313 DARDIX
- //fixed exponent value
- int FixedExp() const { return (Type() == BIN_DEC) ? 0 : fixedExp; }
- //It is in the fixed point mode or not. Return the depth of nest.
- int IsPointFixed() const {
- return (Type() == BIN_DEC) ? 1 : (fixedPointMode & FIXED_PT_MASK);
- }
- //Take into the fixed point mode for a moment. See Log(x) for usage.
- void TempPointFree(){
- PushCD(PushedCD() | TEMP_FREE);
- fixedPointMode *= (FIXED_PT_MASK+1);
- }
- //Restore the operation mode in one step. Use with TempPointFree().
- void PointModePop() {
- if(!(PushedCD() & TEMP_FREE) ) SetError(SYNTAX_ERR,"PointModePop", 31);
- PushCD(PushedCD() & ~TEMP_FREE);
- fixedPointMode = fixedPointMode/(FIXED_PT_MASK+1) + (fixedPointMode & FIXED_PT_MASK);
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Reform into a representation which is sutable for the present operation mode.
- Adjust the size of figure[] i.e. if cutDown != DISABLE it cuts lower needless
- zeros.
- If the top figure(figure[0]) becomes non-zero by a carry, it shifts to lower
- by a figure and makes aTail=1.
- Excute after directly changing the elements of figure[] or restoring the
- operation mode.
- Give to "id" an error ID number of the place in the program.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void Reform(int id); // 314
- //Even if in the fixed point mode it changes into a standard form. DRADIX only
- void StdReform(int id); // 315
- //Set a long real number by "FigBlock",sign and rdxExp.
- void SetFigBlock(const FigBlock& a, int sgn, int exp){
- SNumber::SetFigBlock(a, sgn);
- SetRdxExp(exp);
- Reform(35);
- }
- //Normalize() version
- void SetFigBlockNorm(const FigBlock& a, int sgn, int exp){
- SNumber::SetFigBlockNorm(a, sgn);
- SetRdxExp(exp);
- Reform(36);
- }
- //If size is greater than "minArraySize" it takes into fixed point mode.
- void FigureAlloc(uint size, int copy){
- SNumber::FigureAlloc(size, copy);
- if(copy <= 0) rdxExp = 0;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Try to convert SDouble "d" using long "L" into a form
- d = L * 10^e ( 0 =< |L| <= ULONG_MAX/DRADIX).
- When it is successed, return one. The operation can be reduced into one between
- SDouble and short integer.
- e.g. d=1.5, x/d ---> (x/15000)*DRADIX.
- The multiplication with DRADIX can be done by MultPowRdx(1).
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- bool ConvTolongExp(long* L, long* e) const; // 316
- /********************************************************************************/
- //constructors
- SDouble():SNumber(REAL), rdxExp(0){}
- SDouble(double d):SNumber(REAL), rdxExp(0){
- SetDouble(d);
- }
- // SDouble(long double ld):SNumber(REAL), rdxExp(0){ SetLongDouble(ld); }
- SDouble(const char* s):SNumber(REAL), rdxExp(0){
- SetString(s);
- }
- //This is necessary to convert SD*SL into SD*SD.
- SDouble(const SLong& sl):SNumber(REAL){ SetSLong(sl); }
- /***************************************************************************
- tp=REAL or BIN_DEC
- vsz=size of figure[], See FigureAlloc()
- If vsz > 0, it is initialized by zero.
- If vsz > minArraySize, it takes into fixed point mode and executes
- CutDown(DISABLE).
- ****************************************************************************/
- SDouble(NumberType tp, uint vsz); //33
- // copy constructor
- SDouble(const SDouble& a):SNumber(a), rdxExp(a.rdxExp){}
- /*************************************************
- Constructor for SFraction --> SDouble.
- It will be natural to convert SD*SF into SD*SD.
- **************************************************/
- SDouble(const SFraction& sf); // 34
- #if 0
- //no use and has no body
- SDouble(const SDecimal& sd);
- #endif
- //destructor : PointFree()
- ~SDouble(); // 35
- //"SLong = SDouble" has been defined in SLong class.
- SDouble& operator=(const char *s) { SetString(s); return *this; }
- SDouble& operator=(double d){ SetDouble(d); return *this; }
- // SDouble& operator=(ldouble ld){ SetLongDouble(ld); return *this; } // double version
- SDouble& operator=(const SLong& sl){
- SetSLong(sl); return *this;
- }
- SDouble& operator=(const SDouble& sd){
- if(this != &sd) CopyDouble(sd, SUBS);
- return *this;
- }
- //Convert SFracrion into SDouble.
- SDouble& operator=(const SFraction& sf); // 36
- //Compare absolute values.
- friend int DDCompare(const SDouble& m, const SDouble& n); // 320
- //Auxiliary functions for four operations.
- //It cannot use as DsDiv(1.0, 3); for 1/3 = 0.33333... Use a cast as z = DsDiv(SDouble(1.0), 3); since version 2.20
- friend SDouble DDAdd(const SDouble& m, const SDouble& n); // 321
- friend SDouble DDSub(const SDouble& m, const SDouble& n); // 322
- friend SDouble DsMult(const SDouble& m, ulong n); // 323
- friend SDouble DDMult(const SDouble& m, const SDouble& n);// 324
- friend SDouble DsDiv(const SDouble& m, ulong n); // 325
- //Get the reciprocal of "x" by the Newton's method. It is used in y/x.
- friend SDouble DReciprocal(const SDouble& x); // 326
- friend SDouble DDiv2(const SDouble& n); //diveide "n" by two 327
- //four operators
- friend SDouble operator+(const SDouble& m, const SDouble& n);//330
- friend SDouble operator-(const SDouble& m, const SDouble& n);// 331
- friend SDouble operator*(const SDouble& m, const SDouble& n);//324
- //Does not provide other operators "SD*int", "SD*long", etc.
- friend SDouble operator*(const SDouble& m, double d); // 332
- friend SDouble operator*(double d, const SDouble& m){ return m*d; }
- friend SDouble operator/(const SDouble& m, const SDouble& n);// 333
- friend SDouble operator/(const SDouble& m, double d); // 334
- /*
- For two operators "+=" and "-=" when 'n' is equal to zero,
- it may be better that it returns "*this" only.
- But it is rare case and the copy will cost little time.
- */
- SDouble& operator+=(const SDouble& n) { return (*this = *this + n); }
- SDouble& operator-=(const SDouble& n) { return (*this = *this - n); }
- SDouble& operator*=(const SDouble& n) { return (*this = *this * n); }
- SDouble& operator*=(double d) { return (*this = *this * d); }
- SDouble& operator/=(const SDouble& n) { return (*this = *this / n); }
- SDouble& operator/=(double d) { return (*this = *this / d); }
- /**********************************************************************
- [Caution]
- Please use cast the operations between diffrent type variavles.
- SD=0.1*SL yields SD=0.0. --> SD=0.1*(SDouble)SL;
- When SL=10, SD=0.1+SL yields SD=10.0 not 10.1. --> SD=0.1+(SDouble)SL;
- These are expectative if lhs is SL.
- ***********************************************************************/
- //sign opertors
- SDouble operator+() const { return *this; }
- SDouble operator-() const; // 335
- //multiplied by radix^n
- SDouble& MultPowRdx(int n); // 340
- //multiplied by 10^p, DRADIX only
- SDouble& MultPow10(long p); // 341
- //round off to the last decimal place of effective figures
- enum { STD_REF = 1, CUR_MAX = 2 };
- SDouble& Round(int std = STD_REF); // 342
- /**********************************************************************
- Is possible to round off or not.
- If the number of continuous (radix-1) or zero from the last decimal place
- of effective figures is greater than or equal "n" return 1, else 0.
- Use to round off
- 0.1233 9999 9999 9999 ..... 9999 9875 4578
- or
- 0.1234 0000 0000 0000 ..... 0000 0000 0001
- into 0.1234.
- Does not include Reform(), then call it if necessary.
- [usage]
- if(r.IsPossibleToRound(3)) r.Round(0);
- ************************************************************************/
- public:
- bool IsPossibleToRound(uint n) const; // 343
- /****************************************************************************
- output functions
- 0.abcde fghij kl ......... wxyz : perLine
- <-fU=5->..................
- Put() : not carridge return, Puts() : feed new line
- 1) If fig(Unit) == 0, it continuously outputs with neither delimiter nor carridge return.
- 2) putFig : the number of decimal figures. default : putFig = 0 all figures
- 3) perLine = the number of blocks which contains "fig" decimal per line
- default : perLine = 0 automatically set perLine = displayWidth/(fig+1)
- 4) lineFormat : NO_CR, CRLF, CONTINUE and END_CR have same meaning as SLong class's ones.
- ROUND : do Round() or not.
- INT_PUT : It outputs a decimal figure as integer part.
- SHOW_FIG: It shows the number of decimal figures at end of line and adds carridge return.
- 5) Insert delimiter given by "delmt" at intervals of "fig(Unit)" characters.
- If delmt == 0, no delimiter is inserted.
- It returns the total number of output bytes, including '\n', '.' and delimiter,
- as "printf()".
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SetFormat(long f, long pf = 0, int pL = 0, int lF = CRLF|ROUND|INT_PUT, int dm = ' ');
- ******************************************************************************/
- static long figUnit;
- static long putFig;
- static int perLine;
- static int lineFormat;
- static int delmt;
- static long ioCount; // the number of input or output characters
- static long crCount; // added version 2.30
- enum { NO_CR = 0, CRLF = 1, CONTINUE = 2, END_CR =4 , ROUND = 8,
- INT_PUT = 16, SHOW_FIG = 32 };
- static void SetFormat(long fU, long pF = 0, int pL = 0, int lF = ROUND|INT_PUT|CRLF, int dm = ' '); // 359
- static void DefaultFormat(); // It restores the default values. 360
- // They return the number of output charakuters. Please use these to know it in stead of "cout << sd;".
- long Put(long fU=10, long pf = 0, int pL=0, int lF = CRLF|ROUND|INT_PUT, int dm=' ') const; // 344
- // If fU<0 parameters by SetFormat() are used example Put(-1);
- long Puts(long fU=10, long pr = 0, int pL=0, int lF = CRLF|ROUND|INT_PUT, int dm=' ') const; // x.Puts()
- //It outputs the inner expression.
- long RawPut(int crlf = 0) const; // 355
- long RawPuts() const { return RawPut(1); }
- long CRCount(bool reset=true) const { long temp = crCount; if(reset) crCount = 0; return temp; }
- friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const SDouble& sd); // added since version 2.21 // 356
- //It makes an approximated value taking first "fig" figures.
- SDouble TakeOutFigures(uint fig) const; // 356
- // |*this| == 1 ?
- int IsOne() const {
- if(aHead != aTail) return 0;
- if(NetRdxExp() != 1) return 0;
- return figure(aHead) == 1u ? Sign() : 0;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- It examines whether it is proper to grade up the degree of precision by "upPrec"
- figures.When the size of figure[] exceed the power of two only a few, the
- efficiency of memory is bad and the merit of FFT multiplication is killed.
- It is used in Exp(x), etc.
- 1.When preferSpeed is ON
- If MaxSize()+upPrec >=2^n, return 0 else 2^n - MaxSize().
- In this case the precision will be lost by few percents.
- 2.When preferSpeed is OFF(addvance precison,default)return "upPrec".
- *******************************************************************/
- uint ProperUpPrec(uint upPrec) const; // 357
- };
- /**************** end of SDouble class ******************/
- //It moves "fixedPointMode" value to upper bits.
- inline int SDouble::Sign(int id) const {
- int snsign = SNumber::Sign(id);
- if(!snsign || !IsPointFixed() || (Type() == BIN_DEC)) return snsign;
- int e = (int)aTail - rdxExp + fixedExp;
- return (e < (int)CurrentMaxSize()) ? snsign : 0;
- }
- inline void SDouble::SetZero(){
- rdxExp = 0; SNumber::SetZero();
- }
- inline long SDouble::Puts(long fig, long pr, int perLine, int lF, int delmt) const {
- long l = Put(fig, pr, perLine, lF, delmt);
- FPutc('\n');
- return l+1;
- }
- inline bool SDouble::IsHidden() const {
- if(SNumber::Sign(37) == 0) return true;
- return aTail > EffFig() ? true : false;
- }
- // SDouble contants added since version 2.30
- static const SDouble ONE(1.0); // one
- static const SDouble ZERO(0.0); // zero
- /* defined in template in "mathtp.h"
- inline istream& operator>>(istream& s, SDouble& a) // added since version 2.21
- {
- string buf;
- std::getline(s, buf); // usage : cin >> a; ( s = cin )
- a = buf.data();
- return s;
- }
- */
- #endif // S_DOUBLE_H
sdbl.h : last modifiled at 2017/10/18 15:19:28(19,674 bytes)
created at 2016/04/11 11:18:58
The creation time of this html file is 2017/10/23 10:29:22 (Mon Oct 23 10:29:22 2017).